“summer at taos” by Sara D. Rivera

summer at taos

after D.H. Lawrence

what we find
as we drive in is a fissure
that tracks flatter
ground like a scar

an expanse of granite
& cloud long enough
to match the vowels in a word –

what was it
the word we saw a hundred miles back on a highway overhang
the one we couldn’t pronounce


is a chasm of starlight
what you envisioned

is that what ripped
the earth and everything apart

actual stars
pulled down from star-filled skies
to rest like adornment in rock

i hold a spiral fossil
in my palm
in my palm also i can fit

the breakage of a gorge
the vision of you as you drive

i tell you the fossil is called starlight
the night-sky can stay where it is


you & i
learned to identify
fossil and geode together

but on that day i wasn’t watching
the ground i was watching you

i was watching the calliopes
sonation of tail & wing and theirs

was also a name i whispered
my mouth wanting to learn
the character of o & i


we pry open
what we know of each other

how far we can drive without

(if we have disjuncture let it be beautiful
as two unexpected textures
adobe & rusted wire
green chile beer
aluminum on cold green water)


what we once protected
we expose

like the west
wall of a canyon at daybreak

you speak to me in strips of light
in words i can pronounce
you are what i find & what i found

along the road
in the tumbled shadowed white

& you who gave me a name you
give me a turn

let me drive out
at night starlight
in every breach





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