“end of summer” by Tenney Walsh

maybe it was about breaking open
meeting you
softly born aloft by the breath of a child
blowing dandelion seeds across a field
a cherry tomato exploding on my tongue
summer ends
your heart so freely given
now withdrawn
I am broken open again and again
like threshing wheat into sheaves
leo into virgo
halved once whole
you return
one night
in holy silence
I quivering in assent
join you
full moon rising
in sweet consummation.

Tenney attended Yale College and worked as an actor in NYC where she studied poetry at 92nd St Y.  She wrote poetry in public spaces as ‘The Wyrdsmyth’ in NYC, Boston and L.A. She attended the Wurlitzer Foundation in Taos on a composing/songwriting fellowship. Her poems are published in UNM-Taos publications HOWL and the novel NAIVE/SUPER.

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