“Fall in Taos” by Tenney Walsh

fall comes concealed in reds and oranges
beneath the burnt offerings of leaves
my heart beats steadily readying for winter.
I miss you in the colors. my last love left midwinter
in ice and snow and as it melted
you appeared in spring, greening.
but summer took you away in her arms.
what does love look like I wonder?
realizing for years now i’ve been mistaking it for something else.
could it be this simple?
You, folding your hand over mine, fingers entwined
whispering naked words between our palms.
my lips wanting to kiss yours,
my hips longing to cradle you deep inside me.
so brief our encounter and bittersweet like the turning of the leaves and baring of the branches.
how I long to hold you, my eyes letting you know I will not leave you.
but for now it can only be this leaf in my hand,
one stone on my altar as the mountain  awaits our arrival.

Tenney attended Yale College and worked as an actor in NYC where she studied poetry at 92nd St Y.  She wrote poetry in public spaces as ‘The Wyrdsmyth’ in NYC, Boston and L.A. She attended the Wurlitzer Foundation in Taos on a composing/songwriting fellowship. Her poems are published in UNM-Taos publications HOWL and the novel NAIVE/SUPER.

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